Welcome to Shetland to Shire

Have you got a horse or horse related item for sale? Would you like to inform thousands of potential customers about an equine product or service you offer? or simply find your perfect horse or pony? Whatever your requirements, Shetland to Shire could help!

It is simple and FREE to place a standard advert on our website unless you choose to have some optional extras for a max price of £2 per ad. Our service offers an ideal advertising platform for individuals and small businesses on a budget. We will also promote your advert on social media for maximum exposure.

Adverts stay live on our site until you have sold your equine/item or have found what you are looking for (max 12 months advertising per ad in our Products & Services or Stallions at Stud categories) and we can update your advert as many times as you want to keep it fresh.

Shetland to Shire is a small family business, run by horse people for horse people and our aim is to offer a professional, helpful, friendly and personal service for all your equestrian advertising requirements.

Our audience is growing nicely, why not give us a try!